
14.3. デフォルトのエラーメッセージ


検証ルール メッセージ検索キー名 エラーメッセージ
required, requiredif errors.required {0} is required.
minlength errors.minlength {0} can not be less than {1} characters.
maxlength errors.maxlength {0} can not be greater than {1} characters.
mask errors.invalid {0} is invalid.
byte errors.byte {0} must be a byte.
short errors.short {0} must be a short.
integer errors.integer {0} must be an integer.
long errors.long {0} must be a long.
float errors.float {0} must be a float.
double errors.double {0} must be a double.
date errors.date {0} is not a date.
intRange, floatRange errors.range {0} is not in the range {1} through {2}.
creditCard errors.creditcard {0} is an invalid credit card number.
email errors.email {0} is an invalid e-mail address.




  • XMLDB.jp